AI & The Story of Resistance to Tech

Miguel Parente
8 min readJan 18, 2023
“3D render in detail of a robot moving holograms and charts in a futuristic office with screens and computers everywhere and with a big window in the back with a view of a city full of big buildings and a sky full of stars and galaxies in orange and purple” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Hi there, ✋

I’m Miguel, living in Barcelona, nice to meet you! This new year started with a BANG on the Artificial Intelligence (aka AI) world. AI, it’s the new kid on the block that everyone is talking about, it’s the new shiny thing that everyone is paying attention to. If you subscribe (as you should) to Ben Tossell newsletter “Ben’s Bites”, you have been following the enormous amount of developments that come out every day — it’s a brave, new world out there! 🤖🧠

However, like all new technologies, AI as also be receiving its fair share of backlash and scrutiny. To all new things, there are a group of skeptics who will try to alert to the dangers of the disruptor, or cynics that will try to protect their corner resources.

Btw: Maybe you like to read weird stuff too. I have other small, quick to read, and curious posts on my profile that may interest you ➡️ Miguel Parente

“Illustration of Japanese temple at the edge of a calm lake at night, full and glowing moon, warm moon light across the water and the surrounding lands” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

I’m an optimistic at heart, who just loves to witness the Idea Legos theory to unravel slowly and steadily, until a pivotal breaking point changes everything. As Packy McCormick points out “ideas compound and compose just like interest and software”, and we all know that the compound effect is the most powerful force in the Universe as highlighted by Albert Einstein. ⚗️

Thus, I’m eager to see how Artificial Intelligence (aka AI) will disrupt current working systems, enhance new creative models, and empower people’s productivity.

Nonetheless, I also emphasize and understand the people on the other side of the coin, who advocate for the need for new regulations & frameworks that will help guide this new field.

Although these events may seem new, a closer look at history reveals similar examples throughout human history. 📚

Like I mentioned in my latest post “AI & The Story Greek Mythology”, if we go back to ancient Greece, we can learn from the myth of Prometheus and his punishment by Zeus for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans.

“an expressive oil painting about Greek mythology” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Don’t get me wrong… we obviously have the benefit of hindsight, so it would be super easy to look back and bring up clear examples where skeptics and cynics were proven wrong. That’s not the point that I want to make. The interesting thing would be to actually resonate, i.e. put ourselves in the shoes, of everyone who were not able to accurately predict the future. 🔮

… because, as you will see, some of the arguments are quite sound and difficult to refute.

Technological achievements are a fascinating collection of stories and moments that have empowered humans for centuries. In this article, Artificial Intelligence (aka AI) will help me explore the various real cases, and stories associated with this phenomenon.

Quick disclosure: please bare in mind, that I’m no expert on AI topics, and that these exercises are just for fun & game’s purpose.

Furthermore, I will not bother you with all the details & logistics upon the AI Stories exercises — you can find the full extent of it in the first medium post (here).

So… Let’s play

TL;DR: I’m leveraging two different AI generative tools, both from OpenAI, one to generate the cool looking pictures (DALL·E — here), and the other one to immerse ourselves in a new story and/or theme (GPT-3 — here).

📏 Guidelines & Rules — on how to differentiate “me” from “AI”:

Paragraph style ➡ it’s written by yours truly

Normal text ➡ it’s the AI magic

“cyberpunk computer from the 90s” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Asking AI about Human Resistance to New Tech

Were there moments in time when Humans pushback against tech innovation?

Throughout history, human beings have been resistant to new technologies and advancements. While some of these reservations may have been warranted, others have been proven to be short-sighted and misguided.

One of the most well-known examples of technological resistance is the widespread skepticism towards the telephone. When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, many people were skeptical of its usefulness. Some argued that it would never replace the telegraph, as it was too expensive and difficult to use. Others believed that it was simply a passing fad, and that people would never want to have private conversations over a wire. However, as we all know, the telephone not only replaced the telegraph but also became one of the most important inventions in human history, connecting people across the globe and revolutionizing the way we communicate.

“old telephone in the style of vaporwave” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Another example of technological resistance is the initial reaction to the automobile. When the first cars were invented in the late 19th century, many people saw them as a nuisance and a danger. They believed that horses were much more reliable and that cars would never be able to replace them. They also feared that cars would cause chaos on the roads, as people were not yet used to dealing with such fast-moving vehicles. However, as cars became more reliable and affordable, they quickly replaced horses as the primary mode of transportation, and today it is hard to imagine a world without cars.

“digital render of a futuristic sports car racing in the streets of Tokyo with neon and tones of purple and pink” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Similarly, when the first computers were invented in the mid-20th century, many people were skeptical of their usefulness. Some argued that they were too expensive and complicated for the average person to use. Others believed that computers would take away jobs and lead to widespread unemployment. However, as computers became more affordable and user-friendly, they quickly became an integral part of our daily lives and have created countless jobs in the technology industry.

In each of these examples, the skeptics had valid arguments at the time. The telephone was expensive and difficult to use, cars were dangerous and unreliable, and computers were expensive and complicated. However, as technology improved and became more accessible, these arguments were proven to be short-sighted. The telephone, car, and computer have each had a profound impact on human history, and it is hard to imagine a world without them.

It’s important to note that not all resistance to new technology is unfounded. Some people have valid concerns about the impact of new technologies on society and the environment.

“an expressive oil paint of a spaceship travelling through planets and galaxies” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

And how would AI fit in this mix?

Another technology that has faced resistance in recent years is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Many people have raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of AI on society, such as job displacement, privacy violations, and the risk of creating superintelligent machines that could outsmart and harm humans. These concerns are not unfounded and deserve serious consideration. However, it’s also important to recognize the potential benefits of AI, such as improved healthcare, increased efficiency, and the ability to solve complex problems.

As AI technology continues to advance, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the potential benefits of this technology are vast. From healthcare, where AI-powered diagnostic tools can help doctors to quickly identify diseases and provide more accurate treatment, to finance, where AI algorithms can identify fraud and help to prevent financial crimes. In manufacturing, AI can increase efficiency, reduce downtime and improve the quality of goods. In the transportation industry, AI can optimize routes, manage traffic, and improve the safety of vehicles. In the field of education, AI can personalize learning experiences, providing students with tailored instruction and helping to improve educational outcomes. The list goes on and on, and these are just a few examples of the many ways in which AI is being used today to improve lives and create new opportunities. It is important to approach AI with a balanced perspective, taking into account both the potential risks and the potential benefits, so we can ensure that the future of AI is a positive one.

In conclusion, history has shown us that resistance to new technologies is not uncommon, but it is often short-sighted. While it’s important to consider the potential downsides of new technologies, it’s also crucial to approach them with an open mind and to recognize their potential benefits. As we look towards the future, it’s essential that we don’t repeat the mistakes of the past and that we embrace new technologies with a critical but open-minded perspective.

“digital art of a robot writing in a computer seating on the moon looking into the colorful sky full of stars” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Can we close with a verse about it?

New technologies come and go,
Resistance is often slow,
Skeptics raise valid concerns,
But progress never stops its turns.

The telephone, car, and computer,
Were once met with bitter stutter,
But time has proven them right,
As they’ve changed the world with their might.

AI is the new kid on the block,
Its impact, some say, will rock,
But if we approach with open mind,
Its benefits will be easy to find.

It can help in healthcare and finance,
Optimize routes, and enhance,
Education and manufacturing too,
The opportunities are endless, it’s true.

So let’s not resist progress,
But embrace it, without duress,
For the future is bright,
With new technologies in sight.


Happily ever after?

As AI technology continues to advance, it’s likely that the pushback will continue. However, it’s crucial that we approach AI with a balanced perspective, taking into account both the potential risks and the potential benefits.

The future opportunities for AI are vast, and it has the potential to revolutionize many industries and improve the lives of people around the world. By working together to address the concerns and to promote responsible development and use of AI, we can ensure that the future of AI is a positive one.

Please, let me know down in the comments, what are your favorite failed tech predictions.

Thanks! ❤

Carve-out ( style): in the sense of being a believer with real concerns, probably up there with AI is the NFT world.

I’m too optimistic about it, so it’s always good to be back to earth to understand the full context — insightful and eye-opening data analysis research by hildobby upon “NFT Wash Trading on Ethereum.

“an expressive oil painting about Greek mythology” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

