AI & The Story Greek Mythology

Miguel Parente
8 min readJan 13, 2023


“painting of Athens in the style of salvador dali with a orange and purple sunset in the sky” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Hi there, ✋

I’m Miguel, living in Barcelona, nice to meet you! Do you ever find yourself lost in your thoughts, trying to imagine how ancient civilizations were? How did differnet societies interact, politics worked (or not) and cultures evolved? What were there concerns, fears, goals, life expectations, and passions back then? Did they wonder about the habits and lifestyle of prior civilizations like I’m doing now? 🏺📜

Just by starting to write about it, I feel a rush to re-install games like Civilization III or Age of Mythology and spend the full night exploring new worlds — I wonder if the games still feel as magic in current standards.

Even traveling, for me, in some sense was that feeling of exploring a new place and imagine how that landscape and ecosystem attracted the first settlers and shaped local cultures. As Tomas Pueyo pointed out in his last essay “How Transportation Technologies Shaped Empires”, there are common traits that we can appreciate throughout history, which almost work like a successful playbook.

Btw: Maybe you like to read weird stuff too. I have other small, quick to read, and curious posts on my profile that may interest you ➡️ Miguel Parente

“digital render with detail of an ancient Greek city with temples and houses, with mountains and forests in the background” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Good news! Now I have a new friend and infinite source of knowledge, that I can instantly access to explore curiosities & stories beyond the confines of my imagination. 🤖🧠

A lot of folks are concerned with the negative side effects of a powerful tool like Artificial Intelligence (aka AI) — it is good to be cautious about new, impactful technology. However, by being an optimist as I am, I just appreciate the fact that now I can give wings to my imagination and continue to learn about new subjects like the Greek Mythology.

Greek Mythology is a fascinating collection of stories and characters that have captivated humans for centuries. In this article, Artificial Intelligence (aka AI) will help me explore the various myths, characters, and stories associated with this ancient culture.

Quick disclosure: please bare in mind, that I’m no expert on AI topics, and that these exercises are just for fun & game’s purpose.

Furthermore, I will not bother you with all the details & logistics upon the AI Stories exercises — you can find the full extent of it in the first medium post (here).

So… Let’s play

TL;DR: I’m leveraging two different AI generative tools, both from OpenAI, one to generate the cool looking pictures (DALL·E — here), and the other one to immerse ourselves in a new story and/or theme (GPT-3 — here).

📏 Guidelines & Rules — on how to differentiate “me” from “AI”:

Paragraph style ➡ it’s written by yours truly

Normal text ➡ it’s the AI magic

“painting by Salvador Dali of the City of the Greek Gods in the top of Mount Olympus full of wonder and mystery, temples, waterfalls, clouds that only allow the sun to shine the majesty of the city” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Asking AI about Greek Mythology

Today, let’s deep-dive in one of my favorite ancient culture, which is Greek mythology. Let’s do it in the style of Not Boring by Packy McCormick.

Greek mythology is a fascinating and endlessly complex web of stories and legends. From the powerful gods and goddesses who ruled the heavens, to the brave heroes who battled monsters and fought for glory, the myths of ancient Greece have captivated audiences for thousands of years.

One of the most enduring aspects of Greek mythology is the pantheon of gods and goddesses who inhabited the world of the ancient Greeks. These powerful beings were believed to control the elements, the natural world, and even human fate. The most powerful of these gods was Zeus, the king of the gods, who ruled from his throne on Mount Olympus. Other major gods included Poseidon, god of the sea, and Hades, god of the underworld.

“an expressive oil painting of the The Trojan War a legendary conflict in Greek mythology, between the city of Troy and the Achaeans” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

But Greek mythology is not just about the gods. It is also filled with tales of daring heroes and brave warriors, who embarked on epic quests and battled monsters in order to prove their courage and win the favor of the gods. One of the most famous of these heroes was Heracles, also known as Hercules, who performed 12 impossible tasks in order to atone for a crime he committed. Another famous hero was Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, who embarked on a ten-year journey home after the fall of Troy.

Perhaps one of the most enduring and powerful themes in Greek mythology is the idea of hubris, or excessive pride. Many of the myths feature characters who are brought down by their own hubris, such as Narcissus, who was punished by the gods for being too proud of his own beauty.

“digital render in detail of Prometheus and his punishment by Zeus for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Overall, Greek mythology offers a rich and endlessly fascinating world to explore. It is a world of powerful gods and goddesses, brave heroes and epic adventures, and timeless themes that still resonate with us today. If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend taking a dive into the myths of ancient Greece.

Completly agreed! Let’s focus on specific myths and make the analogy to current times.

One of the most well-known myths in Greek mythology is the story of Prometheus and his punishment by Zeus for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to humans. This myth can be seen as a commentary on the dangers of challenging authority and pushing boundaries. Prometheus’ actions led to the advancement of human civilization, but at a great cost. Similarly, in today’s world, we see individuals and groups pushing boundaries in fields such as technology and science, but also facing backlash and consequences for their actions. The myth serves as a reminder that progress and innovation often come with a price.

Another myth that still resonates with us today is the story of Narcissus. Narcissus, who was known for his extreme vanity and self-obsession, was punished by the gods by falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. This myth serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity and self-obsession, which are still relevant today as issues such as self-esteem and body image continue to be prevalent in our society.

The myth of Sisyphus, who was punished to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity, can be seen as an analogy for the human condition. Sisyphus’ punishment can be seen as a metaphor for the never-ending cycle of life and the futility of our struggles. In today’s world, many people feel stuck in a cycle of working hard and not getting anywhere, or feeling like their efforts are never truly rewarded. This myth serves as a reminder that life can be difficult, but we must continue to push forward and find meaning in our struggles.

“painting of The myth of Sisyphus, who was punished to roll a boulder up a hill for eternity” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Greek mythology also offers a unique perspective on the concept of love and relationships. The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is a tragic story of a man who goes to the underworld to rescue his wife. This myth can be seen as a commentary on the power of love and the lengths one will go for the person they love. In today’s world, we see this same theme played out in movies, books and real-life stories, which shows that this theme is still relevant and relatable to many people.

Overall, Greek mythology offers a rich and diverse set of stories that still resonate with us today. These myths serve as cautionary tales, providing valuable insights into human nature and the human experience. They remind us of the dangers of hubris, the importance of self-awareness, and the power of love. It’s worth to keep in mind the lessons that these myths have to teach us as we navigate the complexities of our own lives.

“digital render of the City of the Greek Gods in the top of Mount Olympus full of wonder and mystery, temples with gold, waterfalls, clouds that only allow the sun to shine the majesty of the city” by Miguel Parente using DALL·E 2 — OpenAI

Can we wrap it with write a verse about how Greek mythology prevailed over all these years and how did it impact the future of humankind?

Greek mythology has stood the test of time,
Its tales and gods still etched in our mind,
From ancient past to present day,
Its influence on culture, in countless ways.

With heroes and monsters, love and deceit,
The stories of Greece have been retold and replete,
From Homer’s epics to modern art,
The legacy of mythology, a work of heart.

It shaped the way we think and feel,
And continues to inspire, in every deal,
From literature to film, and beyond,
Greek mythology has a lasting bond.

It’s a reminder of humanity’s past,
And the influence it has on our future at last.


Happily ever after?

So much to explore, and we have only scratched the surface of all the iconic Greek Mythology. I feel that I’m missing some of the major classics, and most famous works of literature in Greek mythology, just to name a few:

  • The Odyssey: the story of the legendary hero Odysseus and his ten-year journey home after the fall of Troy. Along the way, he faces various monsters and gods, as well as many other trials. It is a reminder of the power of human will and the importance of perseverance.
  • The Trojan War: the conflict between the city of Troy and the Achaeans, a powerful tale of loyalty, courage, and the lengths people will go to for love.
  • The Hesiodic Cycle: important collection of myths in Greek mythology. It includes the Works and Days, Theogony, and the Shield of Heracles. These works contain various stories about the gods and goddesses, as well as advice and wisdom from the poet Hesiod.

Nevertheless, we have a new friend that is eager to tell us more about this ancient world. ⌛

Please, let me know down in the comments, what are your favorite ancient myths.

Thanks! ❤

Carve-out ( style): I just had a very pleasant surprise! @compound4070 posted on YouTube a podcast with some of my favorite writes, whom I make sure to read all the available content (i.e. tech insights; market trends; business deep-dive; etc).

Almost an hour with Packy McCormick, Turner Novak and Mario Gabriele, where they share what they’ve learned from writing online, why they began investing, and how writing shapes their investing decisions.

